Injustice is an unfortunate but common occurrence in our dysfunctional criminal justice system. Poor people accused and convicted of crimes bear the greatest share of this injustice. It is a constant battle to try to level the playing field, one that Glenn A. Garber, P.C. is deeply committed to and fights on a daily basis.
Glenn Garber started his career as a public defender and has always been public interest oriented. Recognizing that poor people need equal access to effective and zealous legal representation, he has dedicated much of his time and the resources of his firm to helping those who cannot afford legal representation. Pro bono representation means without charge.
Glenn Garber serves on the Criminal Justice Act Panel in the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York where he represents person accused of federal crimes who cannot afford counsel, which can be very expensive in federal court. He is also a member of the Homicide Panel of the Assigned Counsel Plan in New York County where he represents indigent person accused of murder and who usually are facing life imprisonment.
Glenn Garber is an adjunct professor of law at Brooklyn Law School where he teaches a seminar on wrongful convictions and runs a clinical program. He is also the founder and director of the Exoneration Initiative, a not-for profit innocence organization that represents indigent, wrongfully convicted New York States prisoners in cases that lack DNA evidence.
Glenn A. Garber, P.C. does not accept pro bono cases upon request.